During these tough economic times, spending on a vacation can be difficult if not impossible for your finances. So plan a fund-but-affordable vacation and stop it from becoming a budget disaster.
Here are some tips to help you plan within a budget:
Do a budget
Plan a trip you can pay off completely within 3 months.
Traveling by car is usually cheaper than flying. Distances can make it impossible to do so. So try picking a place you can drive to. If you need to fly make airline reservations that books flights during off-peak hours or midweek. A website that might save money is airfarewatchdog.com.
Alternative to Hotel Rooms
Hotel rooms are normally pricey. But you can look for vacation cabins, homes, and bed-and-breakfast inns. Vacation homes can be found in sites like VacationRentals.com and Bed & Breakfast at BedandBreakfast.com.
Getting Fuel
GasBuddy.com gives you the cheapest and nearest gas stations throughout the US. Use the AAA website, www.csaa.com, which provides driving routes across the US with the nearest lodgings, restaurants, and gas stations.
If driving take a cooler stocked with drinks, and cold cuts for sandwhickes. When booking a room try for those that have kitchenette, or complimentary breakfast included. Stock up in the local supermarket on drinks, cereal, breads, and salads. Make your bigger meal lunch where the menu prices are less than dinner.
Staying in Town
Vacationing in your home town is a low-cost way to get away within a budget. Look up free things that the kids will enjoy doing.
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